Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.

Creating Reports

Home chevron_right User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Data collection
3. Generating reports
4. Dimensions
5. Events & Metrics
6. Comparing periods
7. Downloading a report
8. Emailing a report
9. Conditional styling
10. Currency & timezone


This section provides detailed insights into the performance and effectiveness of your ad campaigns, offering valuable data to inform your strategy and optimize results. Here, you'll learn how to generate, interpret, and customize reports to track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and more.
Reports Overview AdGlare AdServer

Data collection

Event data is collected every minute with a 3-minute delay. If you expect to see analytical data after loading an ad on a page, make sure to wait up to 3 minutes.

Generating reports

At the top of the Reports section, you can select the desired date range to filter the data according to your needs. This is also the place where you can indicate which campaigns or zones should be used to generate the report using the 'Source' button.
Reports Header AdGlare AdServer
There's a list of presets like 'Last 30 Days' or 'This Month' to make range selection easier.
Reports Date Range AdGlare AdServer


When generating a report, dimensions are the categories you can use to break down and analyze your data.
Reports Dimensions AdGlare AdServer
AdGlare collects the following dimensions when serving ads:
  • Day
  • Month
  • Year
  • Hour
  • Weekday
  • auto_storiesCampaign
  • auto_storiesCreative
  • auto_storiesZone
  • Domain
  • Ad Type
  • auto_storiesAd Dimensions
  • Tier
  • Non-Human Traffic
  • Country
  • Region
  • City
  • Device Type
  • Browser
  • Language
  • Operating System
Although this list is exhaustive, you can create auto_storiescustom dimensions if you wish to log custom data like subscription type, category, recurring user, or anything you like.

Events & Metrics

Events and metrics are related. From a technical point of view, an event is a counter that continuously increments. A metric is a formula that applies some calculus to event data.
Reports Metrics AdGlare AdServer


AdGlare has the following event counters:
  • Ad Requests
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • auto_storiesViewable Impressions
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Value
  • Filled/Unfilled
  • Value (derived from the pricing model)


By default, the following commonly used metrics are available using event data:
  • Ad Requests
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • auto_storiesViewability
  • Fill Rate
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Value
  • Revenue or Costs

Comparing periods

When viewing the Reports page, comparing performance across the previous time period can provide valuable insights into how your campaigns are progressing. This feature allows you to track trends, measure improvements, or spot declines in key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and CTR.

To compare metrics with the previous period, navigate click the 'More' icon at the top right, then choose 'Settings'. Enable the toggle for 'Compare Previous Period'.

Reports Compare AdGlare AdServer

Downloading a report

Report data can be downloaded by clicking the 'Download' icon at the top right. The following formats are supported:
  • Microsoft Excel
  • PDF Document
  • CSV File
If you use Excel, make sure to select the correct decimal separator. Excel's formatting of fractions can vary depending on your locale settings.
Reports Download AdGlare AdServer

Emailing a report

Instead of downloading a report, you can generate a PDF version and have it sent directly to your email address or that of your advertiser. This feature simplifies sharing and ensures that the report reaches the intended recipient promptly. By using this option, you can automate the distribution process and keep all stakeholders informed with minimal effort.

Simply click the 'Email PDF' icon at the top right.

Reports Email AdGlare AdServer

Conditional styling

Conditional styling is a powerful feature used to format reports based on specific thresholds or rules. It allows you to apply different colors to elements based on their values. For instance, you can highlight high-performing metrics in green and low-performing ones in red, making it easier to quickly identify key insights and trends.

Click the 'Styling' icon at the top right to open the formatter.

Reports Conditional Styling AdGlare AdServer
Imagine you want to determine on which days the CTR was the highest, while keeping the table sorted by day. In this case, the days with the highest CTRs will be colored in darker green:
Reports Conditional Styling Result AdGlare AdServer

Currency & timezone

To change the currency, navigate to Settings => User Interface. From there, you can set the currency and time zone used for reporting.
Reports Timezone AdGlare AdServer
Please note that:
  • Changing timezones will either leave a gap or a spike in your reports. This is only temporary and will be solved the next day.
  • Chancing the currency will not convert values using currency exchange rates. The currency is 'just' a symbol in your reports.

Reach out to emailAdGlare Support in case you need further help. You can expect a reply in less than 24 hours.

More guides

The Basics
Getting Started
Understanding the UI

Serving Ads
Ad Tags

Creating Reports
Custom Dimensions
Data Shipping

Ad Sizes
Bot Filter
White Label

Native Ads
Tracking Pixels
Custom Metrics
Creative Optimization
Lazy Loading
Frequency Capping

Team Members

Best Practices
Terms & Definitions
AdGlare Subscription