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Frequency Capping

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Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Difference between Frequency Cap and Booked Quantity
3. Privacy-Friendly implementation
4. How to enable Frequency Capping
5. Rolling caps


A frequency cap is a setting in an ad server that limits the number of times an individual user is shown a specific ad within a certain time period (e.g., 3 impressions per day). This ensures that users aren't bombarded with the same ad repeatedly, helping to reduce banner blindness (when users become desensitized to ads) and improve the overall performance of the campaign by ensuring ads remain engaging.

Difference between Frequency Cap and Booked Quantity

It's important to note that a frequency cap is different from the Booked Quantity setting. While Booked Quantity controls the total number of impressions or clicks for the entire campaign, it doesn't limit impressions on a per-user basis. Frequency caps, on the other hand, regulate how many times an individual user sees the ad, focusing on user experience rather than total campaign performance.

Privacy-Friendly implementation

Unlike many other systems that use cookies containing unique user IDs, AdGlare employs a privacy-friendly approach to frequency capping. Instead of tracking individuals, the system uses campaign IDs to control how many times the ad is shown to users. This means no personal data is collected while still managing frequency caps effectively.

How to enable Frequency Capping

To enable frequency capping in AdGlare:
  1. Open a auto_storiesCampaign and click the Targeting tab.
  2. At the bottom, open the Frequency Cap setting.
  3. Specify the maximum number of impressions allowed per user within a defined time period (in seconds).
Once set, the ad server will limit the number of times each user sees the ad according to your configuration.
Frequency Cap AdGlare AdServer

Rolling caps

AdGlare uses a rolling frequency cap, which differs from a static cap. In a static cap, the limit resets after a set time period, such as a new day. With a rolling cap, the time period is dynamic and continuously resets after each impression.

For example:

  • If you set a frequency cap of 3 impressions per 24 hours and a user sees the ad at 10 AM, 12 PM, and 3 PM, their cap won't reset until 24 hours after the first impression (10 AM the next day). The rolling nature allows for more precise control of ad frequency over time.

Reach out to emailAdGlare Support in case you need further help. You can expect a reply in less than 24 hours.

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