Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.

Native Ads

Home chevron_right User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Serving Native Ads
2. Templates
3. Configure the creative
4. Native Ad URL
5. Logging events
6. Key/Value Targeting

Serving Native Ads

With native ads, you can get a JSON response which you can use to create your own ad unit, in contrary to an ad tag that loads the ad. This article describes how to create native ads.


First, create your templates via the page Settings => Customization => Native Ad Templates by setting up the variable that you want AdGlare to return in the response. A variable can be of the following type:
  • Text
  • URL
  • Number
  • Code
  • Boolean

Configure the creative

Once you've set up your templates, create a new Native Ad campaign. Then add a creative, and choose your template from the list. You can now set up the values for each of the variables from the template. Then assign the campaign to a Native Ad zone.

Native Ad URL

To get the native ad URL that returns a JSON response, create a Native Ad zone and click the blue button at the top right.

Logging events

To log events of native ads in AdGlare, you have to make a POST request to https://{your_name} with the event token as a payload.

Key/Value Targeting

To provide data for Key/Value Targeting, make a POST request (instead of a GET request) to your Native Ad URL and add the following JSON payload:
Note that if you add booleans as a value in your payload, they will be casted to strings as 'true' or 'false'. You can then target those keys inside your AdGlare creative as some_key=true.

Reach out to emailAdGlare Support in case you need further help. You can expect a reply in less than 24 hours.

More guides

The Basics
Getting Started
Understanding the UI

Serving Ads
Ad Tags

Creating Reports
Custom Dimensions
Data Shipping

Ad Sizes
Bot Filter
White Label

Native Ads
Tracking Pixels
Custom Metrics
Creative Optimization
Lazy Loading
Frequency Capping

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